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电话: 0731-84428877
姓名: Roseapple
Salewell(Group)Small Appliances Factory

  Sellwell(Group) Small Appliances Factory was found in 1991 and is specialized in manufacturing small home appliances such as electric hot plates, electric pizza pan, juice extractor, electric fan, dry iron, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle, humidifier, gas water heater, heater, vacuum sweeper, sensor dustbin, Egg cooker, etc. Our kitchen appliances series products(include OEM products) have a good market share in the small appliances industry.

主要产品/业务: 公司主要为国外买家从事国内采购代购,产品涵盖塑料包装材料,五金,机电零配件,LED灯饰/灯具,纺织品,医药化工原料,水族器材、水泵、安防产品和电子消费性电子产品等。

Salewell(Group)Small Appliances Factory / 湖南 / 湖南省长沙市人民东路111号13栋801 (421001) / 电话:0731-84428877

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